Tim Chuey Weather

Fog and low clouds will start off the day today, but the clouds will break out to a mix of clouds and sun, sometimes cloudy and sometimes more sun,with a high near 65. Look for a chance of AM rain Friday and then it  will be likely the rest of the day, high 60. Saturday looks like it will be dry with a mix of clouds and sun high 63. Rain will be likely Sunday and Sunday night with a high near 60. Look for a 50% chance of showers on Monday and just a touch cooler. Tuesday will see a 40% chance of showers and a high in the mid to upper 50s. Just a slight chance of showers Wednesday with the high in the mid to upper 50s.

We have a winner in this week’s weather quiz. Here is the question again. What meteorological instrument was invented by Samuel F. B. Morse and what was it’s meteorological function? The answer is obviously the telegraph, but the second part is just as important. Congratulations to Rocky Davis for also explaining that the telegraph was used to warn people down the line of approaching bad weather. Rocky wins one week of free forecasts tailored to his needs. Another quiz will begin next Monday.

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